Winter is rapidly approaching, making now the perfect time to prepare your roof for the harsh weather. Taking the time to implement essential roofing preparations will help protect your home from potential damage and reduce the risk of expensive repairs come springtime. In this blog, we will tackle the crucial steps to take when winterizing your roof, ensuring your home stays safe and sound throughout the colder months.

1. Inspect Your Roof

Before winter settles in, it’s essential to conduct a thorough inspection of your roof. Check for signs of damage, such as missing shingles, cracks, or leaks.

Ensure your gutters and downspouts are debris-free, as the accumulation of ice and snow can cause them to overflow and damage your roof. Any damage found should be repaired promptly to avoid exacerbation during winter storms. If the damages are extensive, consider calling professional roofing contractors to conduct an in-depth assessment.

2. Clean Your Gutters

Cleaning your gutters is a crucial roofing preparation task that often gets overlooked. Clogged gutters not only prevent proper water drainage but also contribute to ice dams forming, which can lead to leaks and severe roof damage.

Remove all debris, leaves, and twigs from your gutters and downspouts, ensuring they flow freely. Consider adding gutter guards or screens to keep debris from accumulating and save you time and effort of frequently cleaning them.

3. Insulate Your Attic

Proper attic insulation can significantly reduce your energy bills and protect your roof from ice and snow accumulation that can contribute to leaks and damage. If your attic is not adequately insulated, it will allow warm air inside the home to escape. This can create pockets of heat that can melt the snow and ice on the roof.

This melting snow and ice can refreeze into ice dams, causing severe damage to your roof and home. Adding sufficient insulation to your attic will help regulate temperature and reduce the likelihood of ice dam formation.

4. Trim Overhanging Tree Limbs

Overhanging tree limbs can cause significant damage to your roof during winter storms. The extra weight from ice and snow accumulation can break limbs, causing them to fall onto your roof or tear shingles off.

To avoid this, take the time to trim any overhanging tree branches to keep them from falling during winter storms and causing damage to your roof. Additionally, falling limbs can cause power outages, creating a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning from using generators or space heaters in an enclosed space.

Prepare Your Roof for Winter!

If you’re in Oregon and need a reputable roofing company to assist with your winter preparations, look no further than BEST Roofing & Waterproofing. With our expertise and commitment to quality service, we can help ensure that your roof is ready to withstand the challenges of the winter season. Call us!